'Open Door Friday' 23 February

We have had lots of fun this morning exploring and playing with all sorts of fun things. It was awesome to try some new things today like the Bee Bots and gardening. 

We had fun weeding the garden with Ms Wilkinson. We collected vegetables to eat and fed the weeds to the chickens!

Seeds to plant in spring!
George and Cohan love to climb.

 Bee Bots

The Making table is always a favourite.

We are careful when we use the hot glue guns.

Pierce's Lego creation.

 Eva's paper creation.

After we collected the food from the garden we brought it inside and cooked some of it. It tasted great!

Today while we were exploring and playing these are a few of the skills we were using-

Achiever - Managing Self
- Taking responsibility for a task
- Trying our best
- Picking who to work with
- Working hard

 - Listening to others ideas
- Learning to socialise
 - Showing initiative
- Problem-solving
- Being curious


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