Whio will try rubbish free lunches next week!

Look at all this rubbish left around our school!! If the enviro team hadn't picked it up, it could have ended up in our rivers, oceans or parks. All this rubbish will now end up in landfill!! And the plastic rubbish will be there forever!!

We feel disgusted!!

Next week, the children have decided to have a go at having rubbish free lunch boxes to help save so much rubbish being left around the school and then heading to landfill.

Please help support their initiative by rethinking how you pack their lunches. Some ideas for different packaging options are
- reusable containers
- paper towels or bees wax wraps
- leaving food that is in lunch boxes with covered sections wrapper free
- buying less pre-packaged food

Thank you for helping the children with their plan for reducing our waste!


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